Whether as a sender or recipient, many of us are part of the annual tradition of giving holiday cards. The warm glow from photos of family, friends’, and colleagues’ cheery faces can brighten our homes and make the season feel that much warmer. Designing a card, selecting the “perfect” photo, and inscribing an uplifting sentiment can fill us with joy and spirit of the season. Unless the time and cost burden it creates adds more angst to the barrage of seasonal requirements. It can make us wonder what the “right” thing to do is about sending seasons’ greetings when we already feel overwhelmed with to do lists.
If this resonates with you, you aren’t alone. Before social media, holiday cards were one kind of wonderful way to reach out to others. But these days, we are already sharing our favorite photos, not just the “perfect” ones, but endless ones of our vacations, pets, meals, etc. online. We can give ourselves permission to pause and rethink the most meaningful way, with reduced strain, to connect with others at this time. Parsing down a long list of recipients to just a few, and then sending a handwritten card, may do the trick. We can even design a specific festive post on social for all to see. Finally, whatever we decide to do this year about stopping—or starting, for that matter—a holiday tradition, the festive spirit of the holidays are for celebration and cheer. There are countless ways to share that—which don’t cost a cent or arrive in the mail.
Photo by Eric Prouzet on Unsplash
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